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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chase's 100 Movies/100 Scenes: 97 - National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)

Back in the days before I was born and my parents were still in college existed some of the funniest people to ever work in Hollywood. I mainly say existed because many of them have fallen off the map, died or are no longer funny. John Belushi was god and Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd were still funny. Also, during this wonderful and mythical time that was the late 70s and early 80s was one of the only comedies about college life that is actually coherent and funny. Animal House created the sub-genre of the college comedy and excluding Revenge of the Nerds, is the only good member of the sub-genre. Animal House follows the adventures of Delta Tau chi House as they try to tear down the prestigious and snodish Omega Theta Pi house and have a good time. While this is happening, the dean of the college is trying to destroy the Delta house and have them kicked out of the school. This plot might sound cliche, but Animal House created these cliches that so many films use to sleep walk through a film.

This is going to be short since the scene which I love the most is literally a small moment in the film. The Delta house has a massive party at around halfway into the film. It is a massive toga party with many sheet clad college students running around and dancing in a decrepit old building. There is band playing "Shout," people that are completely trashed and John Belushi...pretty much the greatest party in history. There is a small moment where John Belushi is sitting in a chair by himself. He is holding a jar of mustard and is obviously drunk out of his mind (most likely in reality as well). he is staring at the mustard in this weird sneering sort of way then pours it all over his chest.

Before you as an audience member can go"What the hell?" the scene cuts away to another part of the party. I laugh every time I see this scene. it is perfect because it demonstrates the mind set of most people while they are drunk. Suddenly a jar of mustard takes on the attributes of something that is meant to be on your chest. it is stupid and wonderful all at once. The movie never seems to live up to the comedic timing of this moment. If you have not seen Animal House I suggest you get together with a group of people that share your sense of humor and enjoy this pitch perfect comedy about being stupid and in college.

The scene I was talking about is at the end of the trailer:

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